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Dev Blog 2 - Lore

Published: at 11:37 PM

Back! I’ve been chugging along with the flags for a while now - excited to share what I’ve got!

Preview of Nations

Been making a couple flags in my free time. Will be followed up with some territorial maps and such by the next month or so - there is a learning curve! Take a preview of a couple of them below:


In the year 3,000 A.D, the United Nations of Earth is the premier superpower of the Milky Way Nations. A cultural oasis pockmarked with government offices, much of the civilian population are bureaucrats. The stars in the upper left corner represent the four closest stars to Earth and the six sector capitals, each nearly 4,000 light years away from Sol.

Venturing out of the Sol Sector, your first stop will be New Harmony, the capital of the Zeta Quadrant. Safe travels!


Formerly a research outpost turned rogue technocracy, not much is known about the enigmatic Carina Nebula Salvation Zone. Formerly assigned to research the enigmatic binary Eta Carinae, the original research time in charge of the station has usurped the role of a ‘governing council’, refugees from the zone colloquially refer to them as “The Ten”. Offering ‘safe haven’ from the ‘corrupt, plutocratic clutches of Sol’, it’s technology has progressed far beyond the threshold of the other four Milky Way nations, rendering it impossible to hack into.

Sparse reports from refugees hint at heightened mercenary presence as well as strict rationing; it is known that the radiation in the zone is harsh enough to prevent the growth of crops from sheer radiative damage, and all farming is done either underground or in shielded habitats using hydroponic farms.


Retaining large swathes of the Thorn Core Worlds, the Western Thorn’s religious fanaticism has remained unabated for the 57 years since the “Great Fall”. Its densely-populated capital, Thorunnia, remains impassable as the galaxy enters the 38th year of its siege. With nearly 20% of the Empire’s fleet and 30% of its population trapped in the system, Regardless, the West continues to stagger on, throwing more fleets at the Ts’Wor to stave off total collapse as resource shortages begin to spread across the empire…

It’s my goal to make each nation somewhat relevant (save for the Cinders, but that’s for late) on the Galactic Stage and on your journey throughout the cosmos, giving the player a good sense of galactic politics! Perhaps you’ll become a seasoned political scientist by the time you enter the Andromeda Galaxy!


Character designs may come soon if I’m feeling like it. I have an art style in mind already - probably need a tablet and a pen though :(. It’ll probably be something something stickman though, as a tentative prediction.

I’ll also be writing up the remainder of the LV1 missions for the gameplay prototype along with

See you guys soon! Will be posting rapid-fire updates.

Want to join this? Shoot me a quick message telling me why - and I’ll consider it.

Starter mission design is a top priority. I’ll see what I’ll come up with!