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Dev Blog 1 - Project Announcement

Published: at 12:30 PM


Played FTL, Stellaris or DND? Wanted to merge all of these games into one? I’m pleased to announce my new, long-term writing and …drawing project - Fallen Stars!

Beginning at the turn of the new Millenium (3000 A.D), you and your party have been thrust into an Universe with politics not unlike that of the Earth’s. Join the UNE-aligned Silver Flag Mercenaries for a journey around the Local Group - will you be the harbinger of peace, or an omnipresent totem of evil that lurks around the galaxies?

All maps will be drawn by me. Lore will be original but may be based heavily off real-world events or the video games mentioned below. Admittedly, this is more of a ‘Storytelling Through Vexilollogy’ attempt than anything else - but I’ll see where it goes!

A playable demo of the campaign will be released on September 1st, complete with lore, 3 starter weapons and 3 classes. Or something along the lines of that.

(For Classmates) Join this year’s school DND ECA to try it! I’m sure it’ll be fun. If I can make the maps in time, that is!

Want to try this year’s prototype release? Join the DND ECA to do so!

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